Monday, August 3, 2009

Proven Complicated

So... As i have found out. Selling a house is 5x's harder than buying one. There is cleaning out years worth of "stuff" Fixing doorways, Carpet, Cleaning, Fixing, cleaning, Fixing, Cleaning. That has been my life the past month and will be for another month or two. And not to mention Ive been so busy with the house to even come to the realization that my Baby is going to school. (or should be. They still havent told us if we are accepted) But anyway. My BABY! Since we are doing more than just moving across town Im trying to make sure we have medical records and such before we move. And why again to they charge to give you your own records? Because the world has found another scale on which to charge ppl money. Bubby's records are going to cost me more than $30! To give me the records which should belong to me anyway! Seriously?!?!?! So my update for anyone whom reads this. Is im just trying to keep my sanity and enjoy the small bit of summer that is left.