Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I turned my first heel!

Yeap! there it is the heel to my first sock i was so happy at that point. Then I was chatting with my sister about how bad it would suck if my first pair of socks dont fit. Because see I was going to be selfish and make my first pair for me. Then she brought up the fact about my "Big Foot" feet. but i was like no way they are not that big...these socks WILL fit me. Well we hang up and i knit some more the whole time in the back of my head saying..."they are not going to fit" ...."they are going to fit"..."serously ..they are not going to fit".." They have to fit i followed the pattern" Well shortly after my conversation with myself i just had to know for sure.

yeap...there it is! My sock on my daughters foot!!!!!!!!!! I guess that will teach me to be selfish. As the depresion for not making a gauge swatch sets in..My daughters excitement for me making her a pair of socks gets bigger. She starts dancing around the house saying mommy is making me pretty socks. The whole time she is dancing im gritting my teeth wanting to throw a shoe at her lol. Because i know her excitement will have to tell dad the second he comes in the door that im making her socks. And without another word he will laugh cause "MY" socks dont fit "ME". Ahhh the joys of knitting when you hate math.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ha ha ha...see what you get for trying to be first. Jk it's okay you learn from your mistakes, right. You'll do better next time.